Softball season preview
It was the fouth inning of the second game of the softball world series last fall, the Gamers, dominant all year, were the team to beat. They held their first place spot like Craig Shames (their manager) holds his you know what.....yes it was that tight. They were three innings away from completing there season of domination, when suddenly it fell apart. The bats went cold, the errors became contageous, and the legs became tired. They fell apart in the last game and half, creating a feeling of blueballs that could only be matched by Pam Anderson riding you, slapping you in the face, and then leaving. No one really knows what happened. Some blamed the team of hr hitters for not taking some singles, others blamed the sun, and one player even blamed his father for jinxing the team, for as he left the team instantly began losing. It was no coincidence that this man looked like buddah....perhaps they should have prayed to him.
The best reason however was given by ESPN analyst Peter Gammons. Gammons said "There just simply weren't enough Rolls on the team." Could this really be the reason? Could it really be that champions are born and not made? Did Russell and Laney really not procreate enough? This year the gamers have the done what any smart gm would do, genetic cloning. This year David Roll will be playing three outfield spots and catching. Rob Roll will be playing all 4 infield spots and pitching and Greg Roll will fill in for CF. There will only be one Greg since he is already a clone of Rob and could not be cloned again. With this sort of talent the team should bat rougly .800 but with all of these Rolls there are concerns of ego problems in the clubhouse. Mike Lupica of the New York Times said "My concern is that all of the clones will die halfway through the season when Mr. and Mrs. Roll can no longer feed them. There's just too many". The assistant gm's solution, informercials to "save the children", which will ask America to adopt a roll clone for as little as 10 cents a day. Adopters will receive a picture and letter from their Roll clone thanking them for their support. For more information please go to
Hey whens this blog going to be updated? I need more malf.....
8:08 PM
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