Brian Malfettone's web page

Sunday, February 22, 2009

A-Rod: The Only Truth I Care About

When there is an elelphant in the room, introduce him. Alex Rodriguez did just that during his interview with peter gammons and his press conference which followed only a few days later.

I do not condone steroids nor do i believe they have truly as big an effect as the media makes them out to have. Quite frankly I don't really care, he is one of the most gifted players to ever play the game with or without steroids. While we could spend hours having the steroid debate, I'm not going to. Instead I would like to make an observation and prediction. With all of the weight off of A-Rod's shoulders I expect and beleive he will have a great year.

Lets back track over the past few years. Things on A-Rod's mind:1)His steroid secret2)Cheating on his wife 3) Madonna 4)Getting Caught with Strippers 5)The pressure of living up to his contract 6)The pressure of playing in New York 7) Hitting in the clutch

Perhaps its not the steroids, but carrying all of this mental baggage around that have made his shoulders so big. While, the secrets are now out, he is now divorced, hes nowbee here long enough to adjust to new york, and during 2007 he proved he could hit in the clunch.

Now with all this gone there is only one thing left for him to His mind is free of all of these secrets he's been carrying around with him. He no longer has to be perfect.

Let's be pun intended..he is a great player. If he delivers this year, the fans will not only forgive, they will forget.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's be honest here. The more money the Yankees spend on their team, the worse they get. They need to take the que from team like the Phillies, Rays, and umm Indians???(we'll see if this one holds up), and build up from the farm program instead of trading those great prospects the Yankees do have for over priced vetrens from others teams who fail to gel with the substantial talent and egos already on the Yankees.
I know that seems a little off topic, but with that said, I think the Yankees should stop buying their team and try to raise a real team. They should dump Alex Rodriguez like the Mariners and Rangers did when he failed to perform up to lofty price tag. A-Rod never got any team to the World Series, and it is my prediction that he and the Yankees will fail yet again; they probably will not even make the playoffs again, because they repeatedly get stomped by a team with an eighth the payroll of the Yankees (the Rays incase you were wondering). He's a good player; not a God.
Pllus it's a little irritatating that when first confronted about the use of steroids he denied it, then when he was caught dead to rights, he confessed. Of it's not that big of a deal, why not just admit it straight away?

Posted by: Justin Kruppenbach (Go Tribe)

2:32 PM


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