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Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Deep Throat Revealed

If you haven’t heard about whats going on with the followup to the informant in the Nixon Watergate scandal then please read this article at before reading mine otherwise the parity won’t make too much sense to you.

3 months of mystery and days of waiting are now over now over. The mystery of the informant known only as “deep throat” who gave up Craig Shames in the scandal “Steroidgate” is now over. “Deep throat” revealed himself at a 9am press conference this morning to the world. His true identity, Rob Roll, the ss for the gamers. The real life story was even made into a movie called “All the Gamer’s Men”. The movie tells the story of Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward, the two reporters responsible for shedding light on the steroid scandal. The film showed many of the rendezvous tactics used by Roll to leak the story to the two reporters. Roll knew of the monumental risk, and of the wire tapping and surveillance techniques used by the gamers administration, specifically Manager William Bezouska know for his iron fist techniques such as the curfew. To erase the trail, Roll would ride multiple taxis, sometimes in the wrong direction and often walked long distances to reach the middle of the night meetings. It was reported that when “Deep throat” wanted to meet he would circle Woodward’s copy of baseball weekly, and even though it was circled in lipstick and said “for good time call Big Bob at 555-5555” the point was made. When Woodward wanted to meet with Rob he would take a rainbow flag, (the rainbow since he wanted to identify with Rob and assumed this would be a more welcoming symbol since Rob played for that team and we don’t mean the gamers) and fly it from his balcony. It appears that most of the rendezvousing took place at a male strip club requested by Rob, and Woodward still was confused about that till this day. “He would always call me and ask me what I was wearing. I was always like hey lets stick to the story here, lets not get off track. He then requested that we always meet at the same gentlemens club and requested that with respect to his anonymity that I call him deepthroat. I still don’t where that name came from; all I know is that all of the male dancers at the club said it was his special ability. …….I really didn’t want to know anymore at that point”
There had been months of speculation as to “Deep throat’s” true identity. Some speculated that deepthroat, perhaps a play on words for Gamers Lcf Brian Malfettone and his big mouth. Others thought it was Gamers’ Of Scott Zimmerman because of his feminine tendencies. The story remained confidential for so long because the two reporters, Bernstein and Woodward, went through great lengths never to reveal their source but when Shames was required to test for the steroids, the secret could no longer be hid. While those following the scandal know as “Steroidgate” are happy to see its over, others such as Gamers Rcf Scott Goldsmith could have cared less. “I’m not sure what everyone is talking about with Deepthroats involvement to Craig Shames. I watched the deepthroat movie and there was nothing about Craig in there. It was just some lady and a kabossa.”


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